How We Will Achieve

We will organise workshops/lectures/seminars for the general public (and some events tailored particularly to artists) to educate them about art. Examples of topics covered include, but not limited to: the use of art throughout history in making a social impact, cultural differences seen in art, the therapeutic effects of art and advice regarding professional development within the art industry.

We will also run studio review sessions for emerging artists, run by experts within the field. This will facilitate career development and networking opportunities. The sessions will be run by art tutors, exhibition curators and gallery owners to give feedback and work with artists to develop their work to optimise their career development. Sessions are open to all persons of interest.

To ensure accessibility, we will liaise with vulnerable groups to deliver free arts and crafts workshops to increase their exposure to creative experiences and allow them to benefit from the therapeutic effects of art, thus contributing to physical and mental wellbeing of participants.