26/07/24 6pm - 9pm
27/07/24 9am - 9pm
‘Journeys’ invites retrospection and reminiscence, exploring the diverse nature of human experiences through an array of 2D and 3D mediums. Each piece serves as a visual prompt, urging viewers to embark on introspective and imaginative voyages. The exhibition features works by emerging artists, both local and worldwide.
‘Journeys’ celebrates the transformative power of art in reflecting the essence of our personal and collective journeys, with the works exploring a variety of associated struggles, ranging from finding one’s identity to battling health concerns. This exhibition not only showcases the artists' creative processes but also encourages visitors to retrace on their own paths and the myriad ways in which all our journeys intertwine.
Visitors will notice visual themes across South Asia in many of the works, and we are delighted to be partnering with Bharathy Girls’ Child Development Centre in Mullaitivu, Sri Lanka, with all ticket proceeds and donations going to them. The funds will be used to help fulfil the organisation’s goals of having nutritious meals, aid towards bettering the home’s sanitary facilities, educational events and mental health support for the children.
This exhibition will showcase works by the following artists: Abhijith Ajayaghosh, Taylor Bellwood, Ghada Chamma, Rashmi Gunathilaka, Jalinka Gressman, Kandre Hassan, Destiny Pinto, Ragshna Raguanthan, Elena Rykova, Vaishnav Shankar & Bhairavi Yogasivam
Tickets are free, making this event accessible to everyone who wishes to join us in celebrating the power of art. We strongly encourage donations, as all proceeds will benefit the Bharathy Development Centre, Mullativu, Sri Lanka & supporting our mission in creating positive change in their community. Artists will also be donating a portion of their sold work to the social impact cause we are supporting.